AT Prep

 Carry as little as possible but choose that little with care.

Earl Shaffer

One week from today I leave for Damascus, Virginia, to begin my AT thruhike!

My head is full of last- minute worries – do I need a lighter glasses case, do I have all the charging cords I need, how long will it take before weeds take over my garden since I will not be around to weed it? Do I have all the tent stakes I need? (especially since I tend to leave them in the ground when I pack up in the morning!)

But then I think about all the lists I’ve made over the past year and a half and how I’ve painstakingly checked off all the items to buy and skills to learn. I have done enough preparation, and it’s time to start the adventure.

I know I have forgotten something, but I’ll just need to learn it or buy it along the way. For now I continue to count down the days. I have final exams to give and grade and lots of farewells to say.

All of this gear will accompany me on my trek. This is my sleep system, complete with goose down booties for those cold nights.

Sleep system

On the advice of many hikers, my rain gear includes a 3 ounce umbrella! For those days when it is raining and there is no wind I will enjoy not having rain pouring down over my head!

Rain gear

My cold weather gear includes a wonderfully warm alpaca hoodie. (It can snow in the Smoky mountains as late as mid May!)

Cold weather gear

When hiking lots of miles, water and food are hugely important! Along with a 2 ounce stove and a water filtration system, I’m bringing an Ursack – a kevlar bag that will supposedly keep my food safe from bears!

Food and water accessories

And I am bringing lots and lots of miscellaneous stuff, ranging from basic first aid and a pocket knife to a head lamp and a bug net! I have found that part of the challenge of backpacking is simply keeping all these myriad items organized!

Miscellaneous gear

And lastly is my tent. This is actually my second tent. I found the first one to be frustrating and cumbersome to put up, so my new tent is a double rainbow that is easy to put up and just about 2 1/2 pounds, all inclusive!


Now to get all this stuff into my pack!