Day 1: Iron Gap to Damascus

The journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step.”
~Lao Tzu

April 6, 2021
Iron Gap, TN to Damascus, VA
AT miles: 21.5
Ascent: 2018′
Descent: 3591′
Weather: Absolutely gorgeous! Sunny and mid-60’s
High points: Lots of wildflowers

Today I started my AT trek by hiking northbound from Iron Gap to Damascus. I am “slackpacking” this section, which means that I am hiking with just a daypack and the organizer transports my stuff — tent and food and miscellaneous— in a van. Since the AT is mostly downhill into Damascus we hiked this section northbound, though mostly I’ll be southbound.

This is the beginning of my AT hike!
Sunrise over the mountains

Mostly the trail today was on a ridge line, and we could see views between the trees. Once the leaves come out there will be no views along the stretch, but today we got a real feel of being on top of a mountain almost continuously.

We saw lots of wildflowers. This is bloodroot, really striking against the brown leaves.

The first state line crossing!

Today is a great day for a long walk!

The end of the road for today

2 thoughts on “Day 1: Iron Gap to Damascus”

  1. Following along with great interest! Happy to hear you are underway and having cooperative weather.

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