“We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges.”
April 8, 2021
Dennis Cove to Watauga Lake and Buck Mountain to 19E, TN
Trail miles: 8.6 miles (Dennis Cove to Watauga Lake) and 3.3 miles (Buck Mountain Road to 19E)
Weather: warm and hazy
Ascent: 1798′ and 368′
Descent: 2376′ and 1099′
The first part of the morning involved a hike down to a stream. There was an awesome waterfall!
Last year I saw a video of some people on the AT walking around part of a river on a rock ledge, and they said that it was very dangerous. Well, that was one of the big things I was afraid of on the trail. I did it this morning! The trail went around the side of a rocky promontory alongside a fast-moving stream by a fairly narrow ledge cut into the rock. When I was about halfway around this particular part I realized that this was the rocky ledge that I’ve been dreading! It was a bit scary but not as bad as I thought it would be. And now it’s done!
The rest of the hike was nice–few views but nice woods with lots of wildflowers!
The second part of the hike was near Roan mountain. The top of this summit was fairly clear and we got some nice views.
The last part was a lovely descent down a grassy farm path.
Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!
You keep referring to “we”, but I thought you were alone?
I think it’s others in the slackpacking group.
These ridge-line views are familiar and I love the wildflower photos.
Vaughan Stanley
I am glad your weather had been nice for the most part but I know you’ve probably set up your ⛺️ in the rain more than once! ☔️
Your pix are glorious! God’s beauty surrounds you! Hope your feet and knees are cooperating!
Margie and Jack