Day 4: Buck Mountain Road to Dennis Cove

Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.

April 9, 2021
Buck Mountain Road to Dennis Cove
Trail miles: 21.6 miles
Weather: Hot and hazy
Ascent: 3312′
Descent: 4424′
High points: Climbing the first real mountain

We started out on a gently meandering trail. At one point it descended and wandered along the river that was grassy and had more in common with the setting of a children’s Easter book!

The meandering river

The AT is known as the green tunnel and at least the southern Appalacian Trail, rhododendrons form a huge part of the green tunnel effect. This is the first time I saw a true rhododendron tunnel.

A rhododendron tunnel

I passed two lovely waterfalls.

Me by one of the waterfalls
Another waterfall

We had lunch on a bench with this outstanding view.

The view from the lunch bench

After lunch we climbed and climbed to the summit of a mountain maybe called White Cap? It was 4209′ and had this amazing view from the top!

View from the top of White Cap

And on the way down we saw a building that reminded me we are in Appalachia.

A building along the trail

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!