Day 7: Iron Mountain Gap to Indian Grave Gap

When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just remember how great the view will be from the top.

April 12, 2021
Iron Mountain Gap, TN to Indian Grave Gap
Trail miles: 11.8 miles
Ascent: 2437′
Descent: 2791′
Weather: really, really windy but sunny, temperatures in the 50’s
High points: Beauty Spot, Unaka Mountain

Last night was really windy. I was snug as a bug in my tent but I did wake up once and have the thought that I forgot to check to see if they were ready dead branches in the trees, called widowmakers. I prayed for everyone I loved and decided there was nothing that I could do so I went back to sleep. And I had a truly wonderful nights sleep, the best that I’ve had on the trail so far.

I woke up to more wind, and ended up packing my tent in the predawn dark with the wind howling. I kept the tent staked in one corner while I folded and stuffed it so it wouldn’t blow away!

I saw a lovely sunrise.

The hike up Unaka Mountain passed through a lovely pine forest, dark and soft except for the howling of the wind.

The high point of the day was definitely Beauty Spot, which is a lovely place that is very aptly named. This is a picture of the approach to this micro bald area.

Beauty Spot itself has amazing views in most directions. I may not have been able to see much from the top of Roan Highlands, but I certainly got a great day to walk through Beauty Spot.

Every day I see more and more northbound Hikers as I get closer and closer to the center of the northbound bubble. Mostly they are people in their 20s or a retirement age. I’ve seen a small handful of folks in their 30s and 40s, but only a few. Young guys are usually sporting very Amish looking beards, and the women are usually sporting very colorful outfits. Mostly we just say hi and happy trails and walk on past each other, but someone to talk and we exchange information about where we come from and where we are off to. I have bumped into several hikers who got off the trail last year because of Covid and are now trying to complete their 2020 through hike.

And today’s new wildflower is bluets!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!