Shenandoah Day 1

Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air, and behold the view.
~David McCullough, Jr.

Hike from Rockfish Hap to Calf Mountain Shelter
AT miles: 7.5
Total miles for today: 7.8
Ascent: 1723’
Descent: 1014’
Weather: Very cloudy, threatening rain all day
Sightings: 1 rabbit, several squirrels
High points: The wildflowers!

I’m back on the AT for a “short” AT section hike through Shenandoah National Park with a friend. The AT goes alongside Skyline Drive for 110 miles within Shenandoah National Park. This is supposed to be a fairly easy hike with lots of great views and fairly easy access to mini-grocery stores in the National Park.

Today started with a lot of driving — from Williamsburg to Front Royal at the northern end of the park to drop the car off and then a shuttle to Rockfish Gap at the southern end of the park to start the hike.

We started by hiking on a bridge over Route 64. Considering the well-over-a-hundred times I’ve driven under the bridge on Route 64 it was cool to walk across it!

The wildflowers were once again amazing. We saw spiderwort — a lovely purple flower.


Along with yellow violets and the regular purple violets there was a spectacular kind of purple violet. The flowers were pretty normal and the leaves were conventionally heart-shaped, but the leaves were wonderfully lacy. I need to figure out what kind it is!

Regular violets
Mystery violets

I saw Royal Fern, which is distinctive because the frond grows in a circular pattern.

Royal Fern

The trail was wonderfully foggy.

And red columbine grew along the trail.

Red Columbine

Today’s weird sight was a collection of tractor seats around a fire pit!

I made it to the top of Little Calf Mountain!

My granddaughter prefers pictures of Gigi to pictures of scenery, so I’m including this picture for her!

And this was the cloudy view—

I didn’t bring quite enough water, so this spring was a welcome sight!

I’m spending the night at Calf Mountain Shelter, enjoying some great conversation around a picnic table.

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!

3 thoughts on “Shenandoah Day 1”

  1. So good to hear from you via your blog today, Gwen. The flowers 🌸 🌺 and 🍁 🌱 surrounding you are glorious, along with the mountain views. Thank you for sharing with all of us🙂

  2. Judy Kleindinst

    Lovely to read your blog and see your pictures, Gwen! I wonder if the mystery violets could be birds foot violet? The leaves look similar to that.

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