Day 39: Greenwall Shelter to Griffith Lake Campground

It’s never too late in life to have a genuine adventure.
~Robert Kurson

July 23, 2021
Hike from Greenwall Shelter to Griffith Lake campground
AT miles: 14.1
Ascent:  2498’
Descent: 1935’
Weather: about perfect — mostly sunny with temps in the 70’s
High points: eating dinner on the shore of Griffith Lake

Today started by finishing the ascent up White Rocks Mountain (3176’) The name is definitely appropriate — the rocks on the mountain were all white! We came across a bona fide “rock garden”.

The forest at the top of the mountain was full of pines and moss and felt enchanted. It really was a magical place.

After a steep, muddy, and slow descent we walked along Homer Stone Brook. The brook was pretty, but we really loved was the boards alongside the brook. It was so nice to not walk in mud!

We arrived at Little Rock Pond, a lovely northern lake that reminded me of childhood vacations on Lake Winnipesaukee.

The stream that flowed out of Little Rock Pond was a tumbling turbulent rush of water with a pretty spectacular waterfall. Unfortunately, at this point the trail was a muddy mess. I had a really bad slip and my tailbone made violent contact with a hard rock. (I guess there aren’t any other kinds.) OUCH! My whole body was in shock! I felt fire. After a few minutes I continued to walk. Hopefully my spine is okay — it’s still a bit tender.

We continued slogging through deep slippery mud. The ascent up Baker Peak (2854’) was hard. Whenever the trail was not muddy, we scooted along and the walking was enjoyable. Then the mud would start again and we would slow way down and concentrate only on our foot placement.

As we approached Griffith Lake,  boards covered the trail. Yay! We relaxed and trotted along to the Griffith Lake campground.

The shore of Griffith Lake was a wonderful spot to eat dinner!

We spent a while talking with the caretaker, hired by the federal government to help maintain this area. In her own words, she is “extremely queer and extremely Jewish”. She has a beard, likes to quilt, and has had this quiet reclusive job for three summers!

This is the view from my tent tonight!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!