Day 43: Nahmakanta Stream Road to Polliwog Stream

“All that we behold is full of blessings”
~William Wordsworth

August 17, 2021
Hike from Nahmakanta Stream Road to Polliwog Stream
AT miles: 8.7
Ascent: 1472’
Descent: 1429’
Weather: partly sunny and temps in the low 80’s
Sightings: a red squirrel and two grouse
High points: the many gorgeous views of Nahmakanta Lake and the mountains beyond

The access and exit points for today’s walk were particularly difficult to access, so our morning drive was 65 bumpy minutes and our evening drive was 75 bouncy minutes.

But the hike was spectacular. We walked along near the shore of Nahmakanta Lake  for almost the entire day. The trail was mostly soft pine-covered terrain.

We walked along the shore of Nahmakanta Lake.

Sometimes the trail even traversed a sand beach!

Even when the trail meandered away from the water, we could usually see it through the trees.

We got another gorgeous view of Katahdin from Nesabunt Mountain (1520’).

At Crescent Pond I saw a most unusual boat ramp — it was pure granite!!!!!

I saw a red squirrel! Red squirrels are much smaller than the usual gray ones and they have a much scrawnier tail than chipmunks do. The last time I saw a red squirrel was in Scotland, so I was pretty psyched about this!

Occasionally the trail got quite rocky.

And near the end we walked by Pollywog Stream.

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!