Day 80: Hike from Rausch Gap Shelter to PA Rt 645 (Pine Grove, PA)

“Perhaps there is no thrill so great as that which comes with a walk in the freshness of morning air”
~Helen Keller

June 3, 2022
AT miles: 16.7 (plus some extra southbound miles)
Weather: 70’s, clear and dry
Sightings: a red eft, a deer
High points: arriving at my shuttle point five minutes early!

Today was a day of firsts on the trail — the first time I used my water shoes for a stream crossing and the first time I accidentally walked a mile in the wrong direction!

The symphony of birds woke me quite early, so I was on the trail at 6:30. The first part of the trail was actually a 1.6 mile detour because a beaver dam had flooded a section of the trail! I was happy to work walk on dirt roads instead of through a flooded mess.

After the beaver dam, I had a bit of a climb. The views from the top weren’t fantastic, but the feeling of openness was lovely.

Red efts like damp earth. Because of all the rain last night I saw many of these cute little fellows on the trail.

There were plenty of rocks on the trail, but the blooming mountain laurel beside it was gorgeous.

Then the trail spent a mile or two going through open fields. I loved the easy walking and the views.

Flowers grew abundantly — red clover, buttercups, and especially daisies.

The trail crossed over two sections of a creek, and neither one had a bridge. The first one had a plank that I very carefully crossed over, but the second creek was much deeper and had a very small limb probably only 3 inches in diameter lying across it. I was never very good on the balance beam in school, so I figured my attempting this crossing would have a wet end. However, I had just put on clean dry socks this morning, so I didn’t want to get them wet already. I sat down and carefully took off my shoes and socks and put on my water shoes and crossed the creek and on the other side took off my water shoes and painstakingly put back on my shoes and socks. This was the first time that I’ve ever used my water shoes for a water crossing!

I crossed under I-81. This is at least the fourth time that the AT has crossed I-81 since southern Virginia! The civil engineering involved in building the interstates is truly impressive.

Then I had a rather rocky painful ascent to the top of a ridge. At the top I was pleased at all my plans. Jim had made a hotel reservation for me for tonight so that I could dry my gear out, and I had just succeeded in making a reservation for a shuttle to drive me to the hotel. I was so excited that I forgot which way I was going and promptly started hiking south. I hiked for about a mile and suddenly bumped into Bimble, the British fellow I had shared the shelter with last night. He assured me that I was heading south so I did an abrupt about face. Instead of having a laid-back afternoon of walking, I was suddenly faced with having to do 8 miles in 3 1/4 hours to make my shuttle. I flew! Aside from about a half mile of rocky trail, the hike in general was along a really pretty ridge line, but I had no time to do anything except stay focused on moving my feet as quickly as possible along the trail. An hour before my pick-up time I realized that I would make it in time, so I stopped and took this picture.

Once in the Comfort Inn at Pine Grove, I spread out all my gear all over the hotel room, did laundry, took a shower, and got a hot dinner. I’m feeling much drier and much more organized. I am ready to face the trail tomorrow morning!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!

1 thought on “Day 80: Hike from Rausch Gap Shelter to PA Rt 645 (Pine Grove, PA)”

  1. Red efts, soggy trails but a nice bed and better weather! 🌞 🌲
    I grew up in PA and know it’s quite a rocky state, including Rocky of Philadelphia movie game!
    Glad you’re careful about the terrain. 🥾
    You’ve got miles to go — but look how far you’ve come! 🏔
    You’re an inspiration to many!!

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