Day 83: Hike from Reservoir Rd. to Eckville Shelter/Hawk Mtn Rd

“When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,” said Piglet “what’s the first thing you say to yourself?”
“What’s for breakfast?” said Pooh. “What do you say, Piglet?”
“I say, I wonder what’s going to happen exciting to-day?” said Piglet.
Pooh nodded thoughtfully. “It’s the same thing,” he said.”

June 6, 2022
AT miles: 9.5
Ascent: 1388’
Descent: 1427’
Weather: mid-70’s, sunny, and dry
Sightings: a frog, a black snake, and a rattle snake
High points: Hiking Pulpit Rock with Erin and her two boys

Maybe the rocks in Pennsylvania are actually the leftovers of the whitecaps and turbulent waters of an ancient storm-tossed magma ocean that got suddenly petrified!

I had a lovely breakfast with Erin and her family, and then she drove me and her two boys to Reservoir Rd. We all hiked the steep rocky climb to Pulpit Rock, which has a stunning view of the rolling farmland.

While hiking, I got distracted by our conversation and had a black snake whisk across the path right in front of me. That surprise definitely got my adrenaline going!

I said good-bye to Erin and her boys and set off northward once again. The trail was a bit of a rocky mess for the 2.5 miles until The Pinnacle.

In the middle of these rocks I saw a yellow rattlesnake. I do not have a picture of the event because I was far too focused on going to the right when the snake started going to the left. We parted ways unscathed.

For the next 6 miles the trail was basically an almost driveable dirt road, which made for wonderfully easy hiking and somewhat compensated for the previous 2.5 miles of rock jumble.

Most signs along the Appalachian Trail are well-made wooden painted things, but occasionally needs must.

I had lunch at a beautiful campsite, spacious and clear and open with a bit of a view.

This little toad came bounding across the path and I nearly hit him with one of my poles. Really good-looking, he may be a leopard frog.

Lynn at the Blue Mountain Shanty had requested that I call for a shuttle at the latest by four. Since the next road crossing wasn’t for ten miles, I had a short hiking day.

I actually arrived at Hawk Mountain Road about 45 minutes early so I sat down on a grassy patch and waited. I had 45 minutes to realize how long it’s been since I have just sat for 45 minutes and did absolutely nothing. Those minutes of sitting in the shade on a gorgeous day were a real treat.

My legs and feet are enjoying the extra rest time caused by the short day!

Today’s a great day for a long walk in the woods!