“The struggle for any dream is always worth the effort. For in the struggle lies its strength and fulfillment”
June 10, 2022
AT miles: 20.4
Ascent: 1613’
Descent: 2729’
Weather: mid-70’s and sunny
Sightings: a black snake and several chipmunks
High points: surviving the rocks and reaching New Jersey. I have hiked the entire Pennsylvania section of the Appalachian Trail!
I didn’t originally intend to hike all the way to the New Jersey border in one day, but since Bozo and Bimble were stirring in the shelter at 5:30 I got a super early start on the day. I figured that I might as well just go for the finish line!
Today was the rockiest day of hiking yet! The first 12 miles was just solid rocks. Almost every step involved moving my feet over, around, or on a rock. Careful foot placement takes a lot of concentration, so this morning was both physically and mentally exhausting.
Even when the trail looked deceptively smooth, it was still full of rocks!
Around lunchtime, after about 12 miles of hiking, I reached Wolf Rocks, and after that the trail thankfully smoothed out a bit.
As I have hiked further north, the plants remind me more of the ones I find in New England, and the woods smell a bit New England-y, possibly because of the pine trees.
In the entire 229.5 miles of Pennsylvania, I have only hiked three or four named peaks. Amusingly, only a few miles from the New Jersey border I actually hiked a named mountain, Mt. Minsi!
Both the way up in the way down from the Mt. Minsi involved some hiking on a dirt road, which was welcome. I had my final views of the wonderful rolling Pennsylvania farmland.
Unfortunately there were no great views of the Delaware River.
The climb down into Delaware Water Gap was steep. Interestingly, the rock was much more slate-like and breakable so apparently we’re now in a different geologic zone. After several days of seeing absolutely no streams, I finally passed a lovely waterfall.
I passed my car, dropped off my backpack and other heavy things, and then kept walking across the Delaware River Bridge to the PA/NJ border.
I did it – I hiked all 229.5 miles the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania!
And tomorrow I drive back to Williamsburg.
Mission accomplished!
Today’s a great day for a long walk in the woods!