You can’t add days to your life, but you can add life to your days
Trail wisdom from Bear-Slayer
August 3, 2022
AT miles: 10.7
Ascent: 984’
Descent: 1782’
Weather: really warm and sunny
Sightings: 2 chipmunks
High points: Finishing the AT in Vermont and walking with Bear-Slayer for the first six miles of the day
I walked by Stratton Pond one last time. It was covered in early morning mist.
The trail meandered through a hardwood forest with some ups but more downs.
In Vermont you take views when you can find them. I have learned to appreciate the views provided by power lines because there are no other ones!
The first six miles of the day flew by thanks to my long conversation with Bear-Slayer, a German who is a fascinating conversationalist. His trail name came from an epic picture he sent to German friends who had asked him if he had killed any bears yet. He sent back a picture of a gummy bear stabbed with his jackknife!
Over the course of the hike, I got rather hot and hungry. I was super-excited to find trail magic at the end of the hike. After downing a beer and some other junk food I was much happier!
After a shuttle ride and a shower and a blueberry milkshake and an epic hamburger, I am now feeling myself again.
Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!