Day 108: Hike from Sam’s Gap to Devil’s Fork Gap (south of Erwin, TN)

If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine: it is lethal!

October 17, 2022
AT miles: 8.6
Ascent: 1801’
Descent: 2309’
Weather: mid-50’s, foggy, and windy
Sightings: a dusky salamander
High points: hiking through the foggy woods and finishing up this section!

It poured rain last night, but we were snug and dry inside our little cabin at Uncle Johnny’s. This morning we packed up, drove back to Sam’s Gap, and headed southbound!

Actually, today the directions were a little bit confusing. The trail does a confusing dip in this area so even though technically we were hiking southbound, we were heading compass north for most of the day!

The ground was soaked from all the rain last night, and the wet leaves were slippery. We walked carefully to avoid taking a spill.

Shortly after we entered the woods we saw this sign, a wonderful reminder that the Appalachian Trail exists in part because of the many generous people who have contributed time, money, and land to help fulfill the vision of a long trail in the wilderness. This family contributed a good chunk of land, and I am grateful.

The woods were filled with fog. At times the visibility was quite limited. MJ took this cool picture of me disappearing into the fog.

At times the sun came out and the woods were absolutely golden.

We hiked up and over Lick Rock (4522’), but our only views were of fog.

We passed a tiny graveyard with two gravestones in it. Both people were born in 1865 and lived to be over 90.  Once upon a time not long ago these woods were filled with farms and people. What changes time brings about!

In the fall waterfalls are few and far between, but we walked by this one, and somehow, despite the drought, there was still water pouring down it!

At the very end of our hike, the weather cleared and the wind picked up dramatically. The clouds scudded away, and sunshine filled the valley. The cold front had arrived. Temperatures in the mountains are supposed to drop into the low 20s tonight!

Because the leaves were so wet, my hiking poles picked them up as I walked. Wet leaves are quite heavy, adding a noticeable amount of weight to my poles, so I had to stop periodically and remove the damp heavy leaves from my poles!

We arrived about 20 minutes before our scheduled shuttle pickup, and the shuttle actually arrived about 25 minutes after the appointed time. While we waited we hoped to sit and enjoy the sunshine, but the temperature was dropping and the wind was howling. It was cold enough that I actually put on my puffy and wool hat to stay warm!

Eventually the shuttle came. We really appreciated the warmth of Steve’s car! We returned to Sam’s Gap, hopped in my car, and headed back to Williamsburg. Another section hike accomplished!

I have now hiked 1452.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail, and I am officially 2/3 of the way done with the trail!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!

1 thought on “Day 108: Hike from Sam’s Gap to Devil’s Fork Gap (south of Erwin, TN)”

  1. Wow! 1452.3 miles behind you!!!
    Very impressive, Gwen! 🙂
    The Moye Foundation has given a gift to the AT and to the glory
    of God.
    Glad you escaped the cold front that blew in as you completed your

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