Day 111: Hike from Moore’s Creek Camp to Wayah Shelter (near Franklin, NC)

Nothing adventured, nothing gained

April 23, 2023
AT miles: 10.0
Ascent: 2532’
Descent: 1808’
Weather: cold and gray, with highs in the low 50’s
Sightings: a chipmunk, a friendly bird, and lots of wildflowers
High points: the incredible view from Siler Bald (and the donuts we were generously given)

Last night we ended up hanging out around the campfire that two retired Navy thru-hikers made. What a mellow evening!

Today we had a wonderfully lazy breakfast complete with warm coffee. Around 8:30 we broke camp and decided to take a group picture around one of the gap signs. For whatever reason, in this area gaps seem to have super-strange names.

After a long and relentless 1260’ climb, we reached the top of Siler Bald (5001’). It is supposed to have one of the best views of the entire Appalachian Trail. Thankfully we were there on a sunny crystal clear day — we felt like we could see forever.

We passed a really interesting tree that has obviously has provided a home for many different animals over the years.

By this point my hiking buddies were far behind, so I climbed solo up a very steep, but nameless mountain, went down 400’, and then climbed up again to reach the top of Wayah Bald (5342’), which had not only a trash can (never underestimate the value of a trashcan!) but also a cute viewing tower. According to the maps located there, I could see both Springer Mountain in Georgia and Clingmans Dome in the Smokies!

Like at the top of Siler Bald, the views from Weser Bald were amazing.

It was an easy 0.7 miles descent to the Wayah Shelter, where we were stopping for the night. Unlike last night, where we all had issues with the steep slope making us all feel like we were falling out of our tents, our camping area tonight is fairly level. However, it is supposed to be below freezing, and very windy, so it will be COLD!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!