Day 112: Hike from Wayah Shelter to Wesser Bald Shelter (north of Franklin, NC)

Climb mountains not so the world can see you but so you can see the world

April 24, 2023
AT miles: 10.6
Ascent: 1963’
Descent: 2480’
Weather: sunny and cool— highs in the mid-50’s
High points: just walking along the trail

Last night was incredibly cold. The temperature got down to into the high 20’s, but supposedly with the wind-chill it felt more like 20°. In any case, it was one of the coldest nights I’ve ever spent backpacking. I had every piece of clothing on and I was sufficiently warm, but not by much. And getting out of the sleeping bag, making breakfast, and packing up was just plain miserable.

Once we broke camp, however, the hiking was wonderful. We chattered together for the first mile or two and then separated so we could each go at our own pace.

There were fantastic views on the top of Copper Ridge Bald (5080’).

I passed a young couple and their three-year-old son. They are hiking with him up to Damascus!

The trail descended steeply to Talerico Gap, and then did a rapid ascent for 1400’ through a stark forest that had had a recent forest fire, so all the trees were charred.

There was another fire tower on the top of Wesser Bald (4618’). Having climbed my first fire tower on the AT yesterday, I climbed my second today. The views were just amazing!

I reached Wesser Bald Shelter around 4 o’clock and set up camp, though none of the campsites were remotely level. This particular shelter and tent area seems to be hugely popular – there are probably 20 people here. It was fun sitting around the campfire and talking. My hiking companions showed up around six o’clock. Our tents made quite a little village.

Hopefully tonight won’t be as cold as last night!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!