Day 128: Hike from Falls Village to Undermountain Rd (Salisbury, CT)

Disconnect with the urgent so you can reconnect with the important.

June 18, 2023
AT miles: 5.9   <NOBO>      
Ascent: 1236’
Descent: 1125’
Weather: cloudy with a threat of rain, mid-60’s
Sightings: a crowd of section-hikers from Maryland
High points: hiking with Kathy

Kathy joined me last night, and we talked and talked. Because rain was forecast for the early afternoon, we got off to an early start this morning.

The Connecticut woods contain miles and miles of old stone walls. The amount of labor the farmers of yesteryear must have put into building all of these walls is mind-boggling!

We had a nice easy hike up Mount Prospect (1475’). After a gentle descent the trail cut through some farm fields, giving us this lovely view.

A thruhiker conveniently arrived at this time, so we asked him to take a picture of the two of us!

There were lots of pine trees in the next section, and the woods were surprisingly dark.

And then we reached my car and celebrated our successful hike by having a wonderful lunch at a cafe in Falls Village.

I just completed the AT in Connecticut. Since April of 2021 I have walked over 1,700 miles of the Appalachian Trail, and I don’t have that much remaining –– 84.0 miles in New York, 160.3 miles in New Hampshire, and 218.9 miles in Maine!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!