When it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars.
April 13, 2024
AT mile: 13
Ascent: 2137’
Descent: 2108’
Weather: cold, windy, and rainy — pretty nasty
Sightings: another snake
High points: The hike up Black Mtn and the view of the NY skyline
We hiked between the raindrops on this cold (40’s) and extremely windy day.
After our shuttle ride to Rt 17, we started our hike and immediately crossed over Rt I-87.
We then had a climb up to “the lemon squeeze”, a huge granite outcropping with a narrow opening for hikers. Over the years, most of the Appalachian Trail has been rerouted, but the trail has always passed through the lemon squeeze.
The trail ascended into an open upland that felt so spacious!
We stopped at the Fingerboard Shelter and talked with two German thruhikers. After a snack we walked for several miles across an undulating ridge. Absolutely beautiful!
We arrived at a new shelter and enjoyed snacking under a roof out of the rain. The German hikers were busily making coffee!
After the shelter the trail went up and up. Most of the ascent up Black Mtn (1193’) involved going up a impressive set of granite steps — which made for the easiest climb up a mountain ever.
From the summit we got our first view of the Hudson River. The rain lightened up enough that we could even see the New York skyline!
We passed a hysterical sign warning us of “uneven surfaces“ on the trail!!!
The descent was steep, but we eventually arrived at the bottom. Due to all the rain, there was water absolutely everywhere. We despaired trying to keep our feet dry, and we had a few wet stream crossings.
After the descent, we were ready to be done, but we faced another multi-mile detour. A few years ago, a hiker died crossing the Palisades Parkway. As a result, the trail was re-routed. The new trail adds about four miles; it has no redeeming qualities and plenty of mud. I have never had as many detours as I have had yesterday and today!
We survived the mud and met Peter, who drove us back to the hostel.
Today was a great day for a long walk in the woods!