Day-132: Hike from the east end of Bear Mtn Bridge to Dennytown Rd camping area (Putnam, NY)

Apricity — the warmth of the sun on a chilly day.

April 15, 2024
AT miles: 12.9
Ascent: 2611’
Descent: 1974’
Weather: Gorgeous — sunny and low 70’s
High points: Coming out of the woods at the end of the hike to see Cynthia waiting for me!

I’ve been amazingly lucky during this trip – today was my fourth day of Slackpacking! This morning, Cynthia took all my gear that I do not need during the day and it to her and then met me at the end of the day.

The first third of today’s hike was absolutely gorgeous. I did steep 600 foot ascent in the first third of a mile, and then walked along the ridge. I love ridge walking!

Because of the huge amounts of rain recently, there are waterfalls everywhere!

Thankfully today the trail was mostly reasonably dry.

After about 4 miles I came to the Appalachian Market, one of the few food places that is actually next to the trail! I enjoyed a jumbo-sized lemonade.

In early spring in the northeast wetlands are full of skunk cabbage. I have a special affinity for skunk cabbage because they grew in the woods near my house when I was growing up. (Yes, they smell nasty!)

I passed by a monastery right at 11 o’clock, which meant that I got to hear the carillon chiming the hour. It even played two hymns!

I stopped for a snack on the top of Denning hill.

I love seeing stonewalls in the woods!

The last part of the walk was rocky, boring, and incredibly buggy. I would use my poles for a bit, then put them into my left hand, so I could swat flies with my right hand, then pole for a bit, and then swat again. I would guess that I was swatting more than once a minute. The bugs were bad, but thankfully they did not bite.

I was so happy to see Cynthia sitting in her chair at the campsite!  She had located her chair so that it would be the first thing I saw when I popped out of the woods and she was a most welcome sight!

After sitting and talking for an hour, we went to the local deli and grabbed some dinner and then set up our tents. This evening is warm, the moon is bright, the owls are hooting, and the turkeys are gobbling! It was a peaceful night for sleeping.

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!