Day 136: Hike from Rt 17A to Lakes Road (Greenwood, NY)

We don’t stop hiking because we grow old; we grow old because we stop hiking. ~Finis Mitchel

April 20, 2024
AT miles: 3.7
Ascent: 308’
Descent: 700’
Weather: cold and gray (high 40’s)
High points: Finishing up the AT in NY!

I returned to the Lost and Found Hostel for my last night. I still had that pesky 3.7 miles that I did not complete on the first day to do!

Since I only had 3.7 miles to do, I had a leisurely breakfast, talking with Five Stack, who left Springer Mtn on January 3 and is among the first five hikers to make it this far north. He had some stories to tell about crazy weather and avoiding hypothermia!

My hike today is mostly downhill.

After about 1.5 miles, I reached the Eastern Pinnacles, a granite outcropping that would be tricky to hike in wet weather. Thankfully, even though it rained overnight, the rocks were dry by the time I arrived there.

After another short ridge walk, I reached Cat Rocks, which might’ve had a decent view on a sunny day.

It involved a lot of walking on exposed ledge.

After that, the trail ran downhill with occasional roots and rocks until I reached Lakes Road.

I have finished the AT in New York. Only two states to go!

New York was not my favorite state. There was lots of traffic noise, and I probably hiked 12 of the 84 miles on blacktop because of various detours. And the weather was mostly cold and gray.

However, I could not have had better company. Cynthia and Nancy were both hiking partners and trail angels — they provided transportation to and from various hotels so that I stayed all but one night in a warm room. Considering the cold temperatures, I am seriously grateful for their help!

And while I enjoy hiking in the woods alone, conversations do shorten the miles!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!