Day 50: Saunders Shelter to Damascus, Virginia

Step by step and the thing is done.
~Charles Atlas

September 6, 2021
Hike from Saunders Shelter to Damascus (Virginia)
AT miles: 9.5
Ascent: 971’
Descent: 2327’
Weather: partly sunny with temps in the mid 70’s
Sightings: lots of bicyclists
High points: finishing up a great hike

Since we were hiking a bit less than 10 miles today, we got off to a leisurely start. About 8 o’clock we left the shelter and headed down a very steep but unnamed hill. The trail designers mercifully put in lots and lots and lots of switchbacks, which add mileage but keep the gradient relatively easy.

Once we were down the hill the trail became very rocky —  it required a huge amount of concentration to make sure that I didn’t lose my footing.

For several miles the trail followed the side of a ridge, with the Virginia Creeper Trail and the Whitetop Laurel River to the left of the trail. This meant that the trail was slanted, with the right side several inches higher than the left side. I began to wish that I really were a clockwise Haggis, with my left leg longer than my right!

Hiking with the sound of the rushing river below was wonderful. There is something really relaxing about the sound of water gurgling over rocks!

We crossed a long bridge over a stream.

The trail continued its relatively easy descent into Damascus.

Despite the enjoyable trail, we had not had any views all day. We did get one last vista before we entered Damascus.

All day today the cool crisp air felt like fall, and that funny wonderful fall smell of dead leaves was everywhere. My summer of hiking is now about over.

About a half mile from Damascus the AT joins the Virginia Creeper Trail.

We marched briskly into Damascus. Joy of joys, the trail walked right past the best coffee shop in Damascus, MoJo’s! I took advantage of this happy situation and scooted in to pick up a iced coffee and a white chocolate raspberry scone.

I finished my 691st mile of the AT walking down a street with my backpack on my back while sipping iced coffee! 😀

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!

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