Day 81: Hike from PA Rt 645 (Pine Grove, PA) to Eagle’s Nest Shelter

AT legend has it that Pennsylvania hiking clubs and trail crews are proud of their state’s nickname of Rocksylvania and don’t remove rocks from the trail. In fact, some people claim they actually dump wheelbarrows full of rocks onto the trail.”
~Scott Jurek

June 4, 2022
AT miles: 17.2
Ascent: 1824’
Descent: 1492’
Weather: mid-80’s — warm and clear
Sightings: two garter snakes
High points: conversation with Bimble  and Smooth

Rocksylvania is real. Pennsylvania has a reputation for rocks, but the southern half was gentle enough that I forgot about the dreaded rocks. Today was a reminder that there is a reason AT hikers call Pennsylvania “Rocksylvania “!

After a punctual shuttle ride from the hotel to the trail, I met the horrible rocks. Sometimes the rocks were just pointy shark teeth sticking up from the trail, but sometimes they formed a river of rocks.

I did get some stunning views of the gorgeous rolling farmland.

And just when I tired of carefully placing each foot on a semi-flat spot, the trail opened up.

I walked past the 1200 mile marker, marking 1200 miles from Springer Mtn.

I had lunch next to a lovely stream.

Apparently there was a fort here during the French and Indian War. It’s cool bumping into historic things along the trail!

Thankfully in the afternoon the trail was much less rocky. For about half a mile it wandered through an abundance of blooming mountain laurel.

I arrived at the shelter, and it was empty. I set up my bed and made dinner. I was becoming accustomed to the idea of spending the night alone in the shelter, when Bimble walked up! We talked and talked, and then Smooth arrived and joined the gathering. It was a wonderful evening!

Today is a great day for a long walk in the woods!