U.S. Trails

Shenandoah Day 7

Shenandoah Day 7: Pass Mountain Shelter to Front Royal, including hiking a marathon and completing the park!

Shenandoah Day 6

Shenandoah Day 6: Rockspring Shelter to Pass Mountain Shelter

Shenandoah Day 5

Shenandoah Day 5: Bearfence Shelter to Rockspring Hut

Shenandoah Day 4

Shenandoah Day 4: High Top Shelter to Bearfence Shelter

Shenandoah Day 2

Day 2 in Shenandoah National Park, Calf Mountain Shelter to Loft Mountain Campground

Shenandoah Day 1

On the trail again in Shenandoah National Park

Heading Home

I have decided to head home. My midlife crisis was short and cost a lot less money than a new BMW!

Days to Regroup

I am anxious to get back on the trail. I will spend tomorrow sorting and sifting through my bins that were in the slackpack van, figuring out what will go in my backpack and what will stay in the bins until they make their way to Williamsburg. Hopefully I will be back on the trail in a little over 48 hours.